LG27 ”The world” as a frozen meaning
Jesus said:
If you are not stuck towards the world,
you will not find the kingdom.
If you do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath,
you will never see the father.
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Jesus said:
If you are not stuck towards the world,
you will not find the kingdom.
If you do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath,
you will never see the father.
Jesus said:
You do see the splinter in the eye of your brother
but you don’t see the beam in your own eye.
If you remove the beam from your own eye,
then you will see clearly enough
to remove the splinter from the eye of your brother.
Jesus said:
Love your brother as your soul,
save it as the apple of your eye.
His disciples said to him:
Lead us to where you are
because we are not there yet.
He told them:
He who has ears, let him hear!
There is light that is, in a person of light,
and such a person illuminates the whole world.
If it does not shine, it is darkness.
The eyes of Jesus fell on children who were fed.
Jesus said:
I’ll pick you
one out of a thousand and two out of ten thousand
and they will stand as a loner.
The eyes of Jesus fell on children who were fed.
He said to his students:
These children who are being suckled
are like those who enter the kingdom.
They said to him:
Should we be like these children,
to enter into the kingdom?
Jesus said to them:
When you have made the two one,
when you make the inside as the outside
and the outside as the inside
and the top and bottom,
and when you make the male and the female one,
so that the masculine is no longer masculine
and the feminine not feminine,
if you make eyes instead of an eye,
and a hand where there is a hand
and a foot where there is a foot,
and an image where there is an image
then you will enter into the kingdom.
Mary said to Jesus:
Who do your disciples look like?
He said:
They are like children who live in a country that is not theirs.
When the owners of the land come, they will say:
give us back our country.
They will undress in their presence
to leave the land to them and give it back.
That is why I say:
If the owner of a house knows that the thief is coming,
will he stay awake until he comes,
and do not allow him to break into his house,
to carry his belongings away from it.
As far as you are concerned
heed the beginning of the world.
Protect yourself with great power,
lest the robbers find a way to you,
because the danger that you expect will certainly show up.
May there be someone among you who understands this well:
When the grain became ripe,
rushed the thief with his sickle and reaped it.
He who has ears, let him hear!
The disciples said to Jesus:
Tell us what the kingdom of heaven is like.
He said to them:
It is like a mustard seed.
It is the smallest of all seeds.
But when it falls on cultivated earth,
a large plant grows out of it
which offers shelter to the birds of heaven
Jesus said:
Blessed was he who was before he was there.
If you become my students and
listen to my words,
the stones will serve you.
Because there are five trees for you in paradise
that remain unchanged, summer and winter,
and whose leaves do not fall off.
Whoever gets to know them will not taste like death.
The students asked Jesus:
Tell us, the end, what will it be like?
Jesus said:
Have you already discovered the beginning,
so that you now also want to know the end?
Now where the beginning is
there will also be the end.
Fortunately he who is standing in the beginning
He will know the end
and do not taste death.