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Rising Appalachia – Medicine
Fia – Shedding Skins (studioversion)
Fia – Shedding Skins (studioversion)
Ave Maria – G. Caccini / Brinums – Inessa Galante
Fia – Shedding Skins (studioversion)
Fia - Shedding Skins (studioversion)
Metamorphosis – Darpan
“We stand at the threshold of a great dawning. Something deep within life is changing. An era is ending & at the very core of creation, something new is being born. We are awakening from a long, collective sleep, an in-vitro dreaming deep within the womb of our Mother Earth. Now is the time of a great shifting of cosmic wheels, which will result in the reformation of our Earth & trigger a radical shift in consciousness. A galactic tidal wave of light is descending upon the Earth, activating the highest potential, raising the frequency. Reality is being reformed, redefined. The activation of new neural pathways will trigger new perceptions, new information, new impulses & a re-calibration of DNA. Open yourself to these higher dimensional frequencies. Let go. Love each other in these coming times. Be kind to each other. Gather in community, share yourself, live your dream, live your heart. Open. Open yourself. Be prepared for the challenges to come, the dark times of chaos & upheaval. We will experience a dynamic re-calibration of electromagnetic fields & Earth systems on a global scale. Stay present. Stay calm & centered. Try not to judge what is happening. Surrender to the process. Hold firm in the knowledge of what is being birthed. The process of birthing is an awesome undertaking, an arduous task, often fought with intensity. Stay in the heart. Stay connected to Beloved friends & family. Remember that this too shall pass & is a necessary purification, a great purge of all that not in resonance with what is being born within us. All will be redeemed & reformed in miraculous ways. Chaos will become peace & sorrow will become joy. Trust. Trust with love. The butterfly is a marvellous demonstration of the power of trust & vulnerability & in the miracle of metamorphosis.
After all, what is a butterfly if not the flowering of caterpillar beyond its wildest dreams? Emerging from the womb of the chrysalis, the butterfly discards its restrictive silk and shell, to inherit a magical new world of flowers, breezes & sunshine. A world of freedom & delight & a celebration of its divine nature. Spreading her wings for the first time, she has no idea whether she can fly, she simply opens her wings in perfect confidence & is effortlessly conveyed into the spiral dance of graceful flight.
And all that then remains is the joyous participation in the divine ecstasy of creation.
As you turn your light inward & witness your true nature, you become an empty mirror & go beyond beliefs or doctrines. Dissolving the veils, the formless takes form. Going or coming, we are in the right place. As the veils are lifted, we will perceive worlds of unimaginable beauty. Self-transforming astral worlds of light will shine down & interpenetrate the density of matter, making it translucent, less dense, & more permeable to our thoughts & feelings. Multi-dimensional reality & the interconnectedness of all things will be as clear as sunlight. And just as the light is not separate from the sun & the wave is not separate from the ocean, so shall we realise our connection to the source & recognise ourselves in each other, as one vast ocean of love & light. Let the divine recognise the divine. Lights will find other lights. And as the spark ignites within you, so too will it ignite within others, in a majestic radiance of consciousness & set the world alight in its magnificence. A new world without fear, without war, without greed in the safe custodianship of an awakened species, manifesting peace with love, light & celebration. May the divine Mother bless all sentient beings as her children. May the ascended ones bless mankind. May religion be swept away by the revelation of what we are. May the children of the Earth understand that this is to be a birthing place for a new humanity. The birthing of a new wo/man, utterly discontinuous from the past; released, transformed, metamorphosed into a multidimensional being; conscious, Whole & FREE”.
Gratitude Darpan for this offering to humanity as we transition into a new era.