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jeûne, Fasten, vasten
Logion 14
LG14 Be open to the person behind the words
Jesus said to them:
If you fast, you make yourself sinful,
and when you pray, you call judgment upon you,
and if you give alms, you harm your spirits.
If you go to some country and travel there
through those regions, and you will be received somewhere,
then eat what they will put before you,
and take care of the sick among them.
Because what enters your mouth won’t make you unclean,
but what leaves your mouth – that will make you unclean.
Logion 13
LG13 Mastery is aside from dogmas and doctrine
Jesus said to his disciples:
Compare me to someone
and tell me who i look like.
Simon Peter said to him:
You look like a just angel.
Matthew said to him:
You look like a wise philosopher.
Thomas said to him:
Master, my mouth does not allow me
to say who you look like.
Jesus said:
I am not your master.
Because you have been drinking,
did you get drunk from the spring
I showed you.
And he took him aside
and withdrew with him, and spoke three words to him.
When Thomas returned to his companions,
they asked him:
What did Jesus say to you?
Thomas said to them:
If I tell you one of the words he told me,
you will pick up stones
and throw at me:
a fire will come from the stones
and you burn.
connaître, Einblick, inzicht
temps, Zeit, tijd
enfant, kind, kind
présence, Gegenwart, aanwezigheid
Logion 11
LG11 The Source is also looking for your
Jesus said:
This heaven will pass,
and he that is above shall pass away.
and those who are dead do not live,
and those who live will not die.
When you ate what is dead,
you brought it to life.
If you will stand in the light,
what are you doing then?
When you were one
you made the two.
But, on the other hand, if you are two,
what do we do then
Logion 9
LG9 Words like(/as) seed of recognition
Jesus said:
Behold, the sower went out,
took a handful of seeds and scattered them around.
Some fell on the road;
the birds came and collected them.
Others fell on a rock
and did not take root in the earth
and no spikes rose.
And others fell between thorns;
they choked the seeds
and the worms ate them.
And others fell in fertile soil,
they rose up, bearing good fruit.
The harvest was sixty per size
and one hundred and twenty per size.
pêche, Angeln, vissen
Logion 8
LG8 Love leaves no room for fear; perfect love excludes fear
And he said:
Man is like a wise fisherman
who threw his net into the sea,
and it retrieved from the sea, full of small fish from the depth.
In the midst of them
the wise fisherman thought a large, beautiful fish.
He threw all the small fish back into the sea
and chose the big fish without hesitation.
He who has ears to hear, let him hear!