106 Son of a human (Son of man)


Jesus said:
If you make the two one,
will you become a son of man,

and if you say:
Mountain, go away !
It will go.

A wonderful addition to the previous logion. It shows the other possibility. In the previous logion there was talk of “a son of a whore.” Here it is again confirmed that by making the two one, by allowing your personal nature and your Christ nature to marry within yourself in the inner bridal chamber, you can be born again from that marriage as a son of man.

You are then no longer just the child of your biological parents, but as the king from logion 2 a human child, a free person, connected to your fellow human beings.

You are then no longer trapped in a suggested meaning frame. Then you can give everything your own meaning, from the connection with your true self, and with that also with the Source. Then you can say to the ideology in which you were imprisoned: ‘Go away’. And then it is gone too.


Logion 106

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