LG85 Man, get up. Live!
Man, get up. Live!
Jesus said:
Adam came from a great power
and a great wealth,
but he became unworthy of you.
Because had he been worthy of you,
he would not have tasted death.
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Man, get up. Live!
Jesus said:
Adam came from a great power
and a great wealth,
but he became unworthy of you.
Because had he been worthy of you,
he would not have tasted death.
(84) Jesus says:
(1) “When you see your likeness you are full of joy.
(2) But when you see your likenesses that came into existence before you – they neither die nor become manifest – how much will you bear?”
Jesus said:
People know the images,
but the light that is in them,
remains hidden in the image of the light of the father.
He will be unlocked,
but his image will merge with his light.
Jesus said:
Who’s near me
is close to the fire,
and who is far from me,
is far from the kingdom.
Jesus said:
Let he who has become rich,
be king,
but let him possess that power,
renounce it.
The living body of reality
Jesus said:
Who knows the world,
has discovered the body,
but who has discovered the body
he is not worthy of the world.
A woman from the crowd shouted to him:
Blessed is the womb that bore you,
and the breasts that fed you.
He told her:
Blessed are those who heard the word of the father
and have kept it in truth.
Because there will be days when you will say:
Blessed the lap that did not receive
and the breasts that have not given milk.
(78) Jesus says:
(1) “Why did you go out to the countryside? To see a reed shaken by the wind,
(2) and to see a person dressed in soft clothing [like your] kings and your great/powerful persons?
(3) They are dressed in soft clothing and will not be able to recognize the truth.”
(77) Jesus says:
(1) “I am the light that is over all. I am the All.
The All came forth out of me. And to me the All has come.”
(2) “Split a piece of wood – I am there.
(3) Lift the stone, and you will find me there.”
Jesus said:
The kingdom of the father is like a merchant
who received a load of goods.
In between, he found a pearl.
The merchant was so wise to stock his entire stock
but kept the pearl for themselves.
Do the same, find the treasure that does not perish,
that retains its value,
of which no moth will eat and no worm gnaw.