LG101 Let go of your parents

Jesus said:
Who does not hate his father and his mother, like me,
can’t become a student of mine.
And whoever does not love his father and mother, like me,
can’t become a student of mine.
Because my mother gave birth to me,
but my true mother gave birth to me.

LG99 Inside and outside ( [Insideo] -Out )

The students said to him:
Your brothers and your mother are outside.
He told them:
The people here who do the will of the father are mine
brothers and my mother.
They are the ones who will enter my father’s kingdom.

LG98 Breaking the separation

Jesus said:
The kingdom of the father is like a certain man
who wanted to kill a powerful person.
He drew his sword in his own house
and stuck it in the mud wall to investigate
if his hand was strong enough
to stick through the wall.
Then he killed the strong man.

LG97 The empty jar

Jesus said:
The kingdom of the father is like a certain woman,
who carried a jug on her back, full of flour.
And so, going her way, still far from home, an ear broke from the jar,
and the flour flowed behind her on the road.
She did not notice it and was not aware of any harm.
When she got home, she put the jug down and found it empty

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