LG5 See the Human / Zie de Mens / Sieh O Mensch
Jesus said:
See who is before you
and who was previously hidden from you,
will emerge.
Because nothing is hidden
that won’t show itself
and everything that has disappeared will return.
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Jesus said:
See who is before you
and who was previously hidden from you,
will emerge.
Because nothing is hidden
that won’t show itself
and everything that has disappeared will return.
Jesus said:
A person old in days will not hesitate
to a small child of seven days old
to ask about the place of life
and he will live.
Because many first will be the last
and they will be one.
Jesus said:
If your prophets say:
Behold, the kingdom is in heaven.
then birds will lead you.
When they say: It is in the sea,
then fishing will lead you.
But the kingdom is in your heart
and in your eye.
If you know yourself,
then you will also be known,
and you will realize
that you too are a child of the living father.
But don’t you know yourself?
then you are in poverty.
Then you are poverty yourself.
Jesus said:
Let he who searches continue searching
until he finds
and when he finds
he will be shocked
and being shocked
he will wonder
and he shall be king over the All.
And as king he will regain his peace.
And he said:
Anyone who finds the meaning of these words
death will not taste.