“He could cook and he could smoke and he liked liquor and women and everything that is good in life. He was a wonderful terre-à-terre man. That’s why I liked him. If he would not have been a sinner I couldn’t have loved him so much as I do now.” ~Gilles Quispel, Remembering Jung

“Jung was very different from the way people imagine he was. They think he was a very etheric, a very high-minded, spiritual, sort of a guru and a teacher and a Krishnamurti. But as a matter of fact, he was a very realistic, earth-to-earth man.” ~Gilles Quispel, Remembering Jung


phrase, denominate friendship love that is without wings, " L'amitie" est 1'amour sans ailes," meaning that it should be a permanent affection, and not easily to be obliterated. " Ova d'un ora, pane d'un di, vino d'un anno, amico di trenta," that is, eggs of an hour, bread of a day, wine of a year, but a friend of thirty years is best; and " Azeyte, y vino, y amigo antiguo," oil, wine, and friends improve by age. Friendship, Mon- taigne says, " unlike to love, which is weakened by fruition, grows up, thrives, and increases by enjoyment; and being of itself spiritual, the soul is reformed by the practice of it." And according to Sallust, " Idem velle et nolle, ea demum firma amicitia est," to have the same desires and dislikes, to love or hate the same persons, is the surest test of friendship. But instances of such exalted friendship, if they do exist, are very rare. " Tantum ego fucorum, tantum perfidiae in hominum arnicitiis reperio, non in his modo vulgaribus, verurn his quoque quas Pyladeas vocant, ut mihi jam non libeat novarum peri- culum facere" I find so much dissembling,


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