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Freeman: „And did you believe in God?”

Jung: „Oh, yes”

F: „And do you now believe in God?”

J: „Now? Difficult to answer. I know. I don’t need to believe, I know. (…)

F: And do you believe that death is the end?

J: Well, I can’t say..You see, the word belief is a difficult thing for me. I don’t believe. I must have a reason for a certain hypothesis. Either I know a thing, and then I know it. I don’t need to believe it. If I, I don’t allow myself, for instance, to believe a thing just for the sake of believing it. I can’t believe it. But when there are sufficient reasons to form a certain hypothesis, I shall accept these reasons naturally, and I should say: „We have to reckon with the possibility of so and so,” you know.”


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