Krachtige Vragen


    1. When am I most myself? What people, places, and activities allow me to feel most like myself?
    2. What can I stop doing or start doing today, and what could I do differently that would improve the quality of my life?
    3. What is my greatest talent?
    4. How can I best serve myself and/or others?
    5. What is my deepest desire?
    6. What is my deepest fear?
    7. What are the blessings in my life?
    8. What would I like to leave behind for my posterity?

Checklist of Experiences

Below is a list of experiences. What did it do to you? It is possible that these topics have already been discussed elsewhere, but if not, add them to your life story, if you think it is relevant.

Have you experienced the following things?

  1. Witnessing someone being born
  2. Witnessing someone die
  3. Experiencing an accident, for example in traffic
  4. A crisis, such as a divorce or …
  5. A victory

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