91 See what is, instead of a belief


They said to him:
Tell us who you are,
so we can believe in you.
He told them:
You interpret the signs in the heavens and those of the earth,
but you have not recognized him who is before you
And this moment
you don’t know how to interpret that?

Ah, ah, the students want a faith. They want Jesus to tell them what they should believe about him. They may want to make Jesus a god, unlike themselves, far above themselves, so that they might worship him appropriately.

But then they would place that which is present in themselves outside of themselves, namely in the image that they so much want to make of Jesus.

Jesus is not about faith. Faith makes blind all too easily. Jesus wants to correct that blindness; wants to make the students see, and especially of themselves in their true nature.

Jesus does not want them to make an image of him and to believe in that image and thereby blind themselves to themselves. He wants them to recognize something in him that is also present in themselves, so that they can also say to Jesus: “You are me in a different form.”

If the students don’t want to do that? See the following logion.

Tekst Bram Moerland vertaald door Rogier Buurman en Mariska de la Rambelje

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