75 The loners and the bridal room


Jesus said:
Many are at the door,
but it’s the loners
who will enter the bridal room.

This logion is an addition to the previous one, about “the many” who, although standing around the Source, keep their distance. This logion emphasizes ‘the loners’.

We have already seen that the word singling is an almost literal translation of the Latin word individuum, of in = not, and dividere = divide. An individual is therefore not shared, a whole person, a loner.

Not “the many” will enter the bridal room and connect with the Source there, only the whole people, the heals, the loners, the person as an individual. A whole person is originally the meaning of a holy person, a saint. In English we see that in the relationship between “whole” and “holy”. A “saint” is a whole person. Your individuality is your holiness.

Very special and characteristic of the Thomas Gospel is that you must first be a loner before you can enter the bridal room. You must first become an individual, a whole person, before you can coincide with the Source.

Here an important distinction is made with some other spiritual traditions that are strongly focused on selflessness. Egoism plays no role in gnostics. It is not even there as a concept.

For two reasons, Gnostics emphasizes the realization of your personal individuality.

With your true self you are part of the Source, you are a participant in what is, you exist.

Moreover, the realization of this in the practice of life is everyone’s personal destiny, which you fulfill by growing with your individual talents.

There is a beautiful Jewish anecdote about this. He is about Moos who dies and comes to God to be admitted to heaven.

God asks him curiously: “What have you done during your life on earth?”

Moos replies: “Lord, I have studied all sacred texts and done exactly what it says that one must do.”

“Really?” Says God, and his face is somewhat clouded. ‘That was all?’

“Oh no,” says Moos, “I’ve been at the feet of the most important rabbis, and if I couldn’t find what I needed to do in the scriptures, I asked them. I have always done exactly what they ordered me to do. “

Moos looks up proudly at God, expecting to get a prominent place in heaven, very close to God.

But God doesn’t look happy at all.

“You know,” he says thoughtfully to Moos, “I have thought for centuries about the person you were supposed to become and who would be needed at the place and time where you would be born. I have given you an inner knowing of your personal destiny. I have provided you with rich talents to realize that destination. I have filled your heart with a desire to do what you were meant to do. And you have not listened to your heart? You didn’t become Moos? What a shame that you missed your destination. “

And God adds, after being silent for a while: “You know, I am Love, and I cannot help but allow you to enter heaven, for I too must follow my destiny as God. Everyone is always welcome here. That you are welcome is heaven. So there is the gate of heaven. But sometimes, when we look at each other, you will see the regret in my eyes that you have not become the way I intended. And the pain in your heart that you will feel is perhaps what you people call hell. “

Tekst Bram Moerland vertaald door Rogier Buurman en Mariska de la Rambelje

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