71 Realized Insight


Jesus said:
I will overthrow this house
and nobody will be able to rebuild it.

The house, that is gnostic symbolism for the inner being of man.
What values ​​and norms are there in your house? That of an outer world, that of hearing, that of some powerful institution that thinks it has a lease of truth?
That outer world in you must first be broken down to make room for something else. But that other one was actually already there. It has always been there. But maybe you didn’t know that yet, or you forgot. It was only hidden behind the values ​​and norms of hearing say.
But once you have uncovered that hidden in yourself and have come to know it, it cannot go wrong, because it is the reality in yourself.
And once you have learned to distinguish that reality in yourself from the empty appearance, then the appearance world has lost its hold on you forever.

Releasing the empty appearance changes your consciousness, and no return is possible. That is meant by “and nobody will be able to rebuild it.” No institution, political or religious, will be able to exercise power over your inner house once you have seen the empty appearance for what it is: nothing. This is called realized insight. The insight has become reality, not just an arbitrary opinion or thought.

This meaning can also be found in the text of Mark 14:58:

We have heard him say: “I will demolish that temple made by human hands and build up another one in three days that is not made by human hands.”

Three is the symbol of the wholeness, the wholeness of man who coincides with himself.

A beautiful text about this from the Gospel of Truth, from the Nag Hammadi scriptures:

As long as ignorance
filled them with fear and confusion,
and left them unbalanced, uncertain
and divided,

There were many illusions that
chased them,
and empty delusions,
as if they were sunk in a deep sleep,
the victim of nasty dreams.

Until the moment that they
who are experiencing all this,

Then they see who have experienced all these confusions,
suddenly: nothing.
Because it was nothing,
just delusions.

So they throw ignorance far away,
just as they shook off sleep
they do not consider important,
neither do they consider these visions
as reality.

But they leave them behind
like a nocturnal dream.

Everyone acted as if they were asleep,
during the time that he was ignorant,
and so he gets up again,
as if he wakes up.
Joy for the person who discovers himself
and wakes up!

Tekst Bram Moerland Vertaald door Rogier Buurman en Mariska de la Rambelje

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