Jesus said:
Who blasphemes the father,
he will be forgiven.
Who blasphemes the son,
he will be forgiven.
But whoever blasphemes the holy spirit
he will not be forgiven,
not on earth, not in heaven.
His students asked him:
Who are you to tell us all these things?
Jesus told them:
You don’t realize who I am because of the things I say,
because you have become like the Jews:
for they love the tree and hate the fruits,
or they love the fruits and hate the tree.
The Pharisees and the scribes took names
the keys of knowledge and they have hidden them.
They did not go inside themselves
and they did not admit those who wanted to enter.
You, however, be vigilant like the snakes
and pure as the pigeons.
Jesus said:
Many times you have longed to hear these words that I tell you,
and you have no one else from whom you can hear them.
There will be days when you will search for me
and not find me.
His students said:
When will you reveal yourself to us?
When will we see you?
Jesus said:
When you put off your clothes without shame,
and pick up your clothes and put them on the floor under your feet
like small children, and tramples them,
then you yourself will be a son of the living
and you will fear no more.