LG74 The source of being
He said:
Master, many stand around the well,
but there is nobody in the source.
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He said:
Master, many stand around the well,
but there is nobody in the source.
Jesus said:
The harvest is large, but the number of workers is small.
Therefore ask the landlord to send workers for the harvest.
You are me in a different form
Someone said to him:
Tell my brothers to share my father’s legacy with me.
He told him:
Man, who made me a distributor?
He turned to his students and told them:
Am I a distributor then?
Jesus said:
I will overthrow this house
and nobody will be able to rebuild it.
Jesus said:
When you bring out what is in you
will save you.
If you do not reveal what is in you,
it will kill you.
Jesus said:
Blessed are those who are touched in their souls.
Truly, they are the ones who got to know the father.
Blessed are the hungry,
for the belly of those who desire
will be saturated.
Jesus said:
Blessed who is hated and persecuted.
Where people persecuted you
they will not find a place.
Jesus said:
Who knows everything but doesn’t know himself,
he misses it Al.
Jesus said:
Show me the stone that the builders rejected.
That is the cornerstone.
He said:
A good person owned a vineyard.
He lent it to tenants for editing
and lease to receive from them.
He sent his servant to the tenants to collect the lease from them on the vineyard.
They seized his servant and beat him to death.
The servant returned and told his master.
The master said:
Maybe they didn’t recognize him.
He sent another servant.
The tenants also beat him.
Then the owner sent his son and said:
Maybe they will respect my son.
Because the tenants knew that he was the heir to the vineyard,
they grabbed him and killed him.
He who has ears, let him hear!