
“The church fathers had a bulldozer, they destroyed all the writings that they disagreed with.

The rabbis also had one Their sacred writings are based on a partisan choice.

A new quest for the historical Jesus is needed.

A Middle Dutch Gospel Harmony opens the way to newly found and unknown sources. 

Then it appears that Jesus was a wisdom teacher.

Whose words have been wrongly doubted.

We even know too much about his life: his relationship with his family was problematic.

And there appear to have existed Jewish Gnostics in Alexandria who taught equality between men and women.

Jewish Christians in that city joined in. Some of them rejected the marriage, others agreed to the Eros.

The ideal of androgyny turns out to be ancient The Gospel of Thomas – Gilles Quispel p. 109

“De kerkvaders hadden een bulldozer, zij vernietigden alle geschriften, waar zij het niet mee eens waren1

De rabbijnen hadden er ook één.

Hun heilige geschriften berusten op een partijdige keuze.

Een nieuwe queeste naar de historische Jezus is nodig.

Een Middelnederlandse Evangelieharmonie opent de weg naar nieuw gevonden en onbekende bronnen.

Dan blijkt, dat Jezus een wijsheidsleraar was.

Aan wiens woorden ten onrechte is getwijfeld.

Wij weten zelfs te veel van zijn leven: zijn verhouding met zijn familie was problematisch.

En er blijken in Alexandrië joodse gnostici te hebben bestaan, die de gelijkheid van man en vrouw leerden.

Joodse christenen in die stad sloten zich daarbij aan.

Sommige van hen verwierpen het huwelijk, anderen beaamden de Eros.

Het ideaal van de androgynie blijkt oeroud te zijn

Het Evangelie van thomas – Gilles Quispel p. 109


LG114 The equality of women

Simon Peter said to him:
Send Maria away from us, because women are not worth living.
Jesus said:
Behold, I will connect with her and make her human, so that she too may become a living spirit, just like your men. For every woman who becomes a human being will also enter the kingdom of heaven.

LG113 The kingdom is spread over the earth

His disciples said to him:
When will the kingdom come?
Jesus said:
The kingdom does not come by expecting it.
You can’t say, “It’s here,” or “It’s there.”
No, the kingdom is spread over the earth
but they don’t see it.

LG109 Repositories of weathered wisdom

Jesus said:
The kingdom is like a human
in whose field there was a treasure,
without knowing it.
When he died, he left his son’s land.
The son didn’t know anything about that darling either.
He inherited the land and sold it.
And the person who bought it went plowing and found the treasure.
He started to lend money, at interest,
whomever he wanted.

LG107 The sheep looking for its destination

Jesus said:
The kingdom is like a shepherd who had a hundred sheep.
One of them, the largest, left.
The shepherd left the ninety-nine
and looked for that one until he found it.
And after he had put all that effort into it
he said to the sheep:
You count for me more than ninety-nine.

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