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Logion 47
LG47 Jesus breaks with the Old Testament
Jesus said:
One cannot ride two horses,
neither stretch two arches.
And a servant cannot serve two masters,
otherwise he honors one and despises the other.
Nobody drinks old wine and immediately craves for new wine.
And they don’t pour new wine into old bags,
because then they burst.
Nor do you pour old wine into a new bag,
because that will spoil the bag.
People don’t sew an old piece of cloth on a new rug,
because then a crack will arise.
Logion 45
LG45 keeping up appearances hurts
Jesus said:
They do not harvest grapes from thorns
and figs not from thistles,
for they bear no fruit.
A good person brings out of his treasure room
the good.
A bad man brings out of his bad treasure room,
who is his thinking,
the evil forth,
and he says evil things.
Because what his thinking is full of
from it he produces evil.