How to lose fear of death
If you do not have fear yet. It will come. Don’t worry.
Young people can have a tendency to feel unbreakable. That’s why they can be quite careless, or taking a lot of risk when driving a car or motorcycle for instance.
I know, because I did. Had a bad accident when I was only nineteen. Really scared me.
Still it did not develop a real fear in me. I was able to stay away from the subject, except for the funerals I had attended of my grandparents. Especially that of one of my grandmothers was quite special, because I had the opportunity to sit with her, when she was lying still on her bed, after she had died in her sleep, and say goodbye.
So when young, don’t be careless, and do not worry. Still when getting older, the topic becomes unavoidable. Especially when your own parents die.
And for people that still live with a lot of fear of death, losing ones fear does not mean, that it’s ok to die. Losing ones fear in my experience goes hand in hadn’t with looking at death in the eye and by doing so, life becomes much more precious. There is more appreciation of life, my own as well that of the living things around me. And no, it does not mean, I think we should not kill animals for food. Death, hunting, is still part of nature.
That is something completely different, killing for food, then people killing other people, because of some disagreement, because of fighting over …… whatever reason. Still animals fight in nature, not with the objective to kill (unless it is for food). And when there is killing in nature, it’s in nature, that is different than killing animals that have been caged for a ver short lifespan.
Human being can achieve greatness, and at the same time have shown to make normal the most of gruesome acts that animals, which are sometimes referred to as beast are not capable of. (Although I have seen serial rape of ducks, eventually killing the female with 12 chicks that were left to die…. We saved them…;-))
Other experiences with death I had in my life were losing a friend that hung himself.
I witnessed Sensei die in hospital at the age of 67 from a cerebral infarction
And I did some ‘exercises I will talk about later in relation to death.
Books – Ervin Yalom – looking into the light
Neitzsche got me really scared when I was younger
Paulo Coelho wrote about a wonderful exercise
In my work I used the eulogy
In Korea to counter the rising number of suicides there is a technique to play ones funeral while being alive. Liver through the process, ending in a coffin and landing there for about 20-30 minutes, then te be opened again and at which point you are being asked the question what you have experienced and why living is worth living?
We have done the same exercise with a group of men during a weekend retreat.
Probably the best way, to connect with life and death is by killing a chicken. Taking care of it for a few days. Looking at it, observing. Then very consciously killing the chicken, after which it is cleaned and prepared. And after which the bones are used to make a healing broth.
Satish Kumar points to the lack of authentic leadership.
JFK on the overkill of secrecy.
Carl Jung calls it nullification.
J Zimbardo refers to the barrel makers that create a context in which people are bound to live and meaningless live, that is filled with hatred and unnecessary violence.
Looking back to the supranational organisations like the UN, EU, Security council and many NGO’s one might wonder how it is possible none seem to have reached even a fraction of what the were aiming for and have stated so in their maiden speeches. In many ways, the opposite seems to have been the case.
Just like the self labelled philanthropists are growing richer in a time of crisis, during which a childish mind would expect them to use all their assets to help those in need, for the good cause.
Instead the general population is being driven into more debt and those that pose themselves as saviours grow richer by the day and even seem to have a contest going on who ends up on top. And others are cheering because corporations including banks and companies that make products to protect our health are benefiting and are proud of making billions of profit.
At the same time it has become generally accepted to change a child’s sex and that most children because of obesity and diseases like diabetes are likely to die younger than their parents.
Because the above is not in sync with the mainstream media narrative, it is labelled mis-information and thus dangerous. Which makes the author a conspiracy theorist. The media will also consistently repeat that conspiracy theorists think certain things about elites. No one seems to wonder how the media knows what certain people think. Or wonder why they do not seem to know who they are, why they are not invited for an open dialogue….. or why none of them is arrested, since they are currently considered the most dangerous terrorists walking the earth. etc etc.