Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg31, 0 LG31 Gather courage for the jump Jesus said: A prophet is not honored in his own village, a doctor does not heal his friends. Tags: gothomas JT lg31
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg102, 0 LG102 Over-the-top dogs in the food bowl Jesus said: Ah, those Pharisees, they are like a dog he sleeps...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg93, 0 LG93 What you see is you Jesus said: Don’t give the dogs what is sacred, lest they throw it...
+ Stepstones Bram Moerland, July 8, 2020July 8, 2020, a[GofThomas], lmp, 0 'The starting point is a form of spirituality that does not want to isolate itself from the world, but...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, LG14, 0 LG14 Be open to the person behind the words Jesus said to them: If you fast, you make yourself...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg40, 0 LG40 The error has no root in reality Jesus said: A vine was planted outside the father but because...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg103, 0 LG103 Guilty and incompetent Jesus said: Happy is the person who knows where the thieves will be come in...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg64, 0 LG64 Beyond loneliness Jesus said: A man would someday receive guests. And after he prepared the meal, he sent...
+ Jezelf vinden, herinneren… admin, April 24, 2022February 24, 2023, a[GofThomas], CK7 Spirituality_(-teit), lg114, Spiritualiteit, Thomas, 0 Deze afbeelding is geleend van iemand op het internet. De bron, 'eigenaar' is onbekend bij ons. Mocht U bekend...