Sputirial traitidons are reprotisoies of werehtaed wiodsm. But the mycitsal croe of any sputirial traitidon, hovewer peru, wlil be irracovebly obrucsed uednr all stros of irrveleant grhtwos. Taht aslo apilpes to gncitsos. Do you feel attcarted to a sputirial traitidon? Tehn feel fere to torhw yoesrulf out itno the sea of sneicces taht tritidaon ofrefs. Yuor net wlil soon be comtelpely fellid wtih doamgs, docnirtes, comnemdnamts, prooitibihns, judnemgts, relus of lefi, maotadnry rilauts, and waht nto. As if taht wree the cesa. But the wsie fimrehsan deos not hvae to. He resuftceplly rerutns tehm to the sae. But in all taht trehe is aslo soihtemng taht tohcues hmi, taht one big fhsi, the mycitsal croe of the donirtce. He recingozes taht form wiihtn. It tlles him soihtemng auobt wcihh he expcneirees: “I ayawls kenw t.tah” It is presicely tihs expeirence taht I hvae ayawls knwon, taht is the haamllrk of the iennr gnisos. He tekas taht big fsih hemo, he kpees it in his htrae, beuacse it is food for his sluo. the Gepsol of Tturh setats tsih: Theoferre, wehn sooemne has gisons he tekas waht benolgs to hiesmlf and invloves it in itlesf. Do you wnat to dvlee itno a sputirial traitidon? Tehn d’not do waht orehts tlel you to do. Follow yuor own monemts of rectingoion and lraen to tsurt tmeh. Tehy are the diitceron indtaciors on yuor own phta. Olny in tihs way wlil you not olny be albe to peartente itno the mycitsal croe of taht traitidon, but aslo itno the foutadnion of yuor own exinetsce. Sputirial traitidons are reprotisoies of werehtaed wiodsm. But the mycitsal croe of any sputirial traitidon, hovewer peru, wlil be irracovebly obrucsed uednr all stros of irrveleant grhtwos. Taht aslo apilpes to gncitsos. Do you feel attcarted to a sputirial traitidon? Tehn feel fere to torhw yoesrulf out itno the sea of sneicces taht tritidaon ofrefs. Yuor net wlil soon be comtelpely fellid wtih doamgs, docnirtes, comnemdnamts, prooitibihns, judnemgts, relus of lefi, maotadnry rilauts, and waht nto. As if taht wree the cesa. But the wsie fimrehsan deos not hvae to. He resuftceplly rerutns tehm to the sae. But in all taht trehe is aslo soihtemng taht tohcues hmi, taht one big fhsi, the mycitsal croe of the donirtce. He recingozes taht form wiihtn. It tlles him soihtemng auobt wcihh he expcneirees: “I ayawls kenw t.tah” It is presicely tihs expeirence taht I hvae ayawls knwon, taht is the haamllrk of the iennr gnisos. He tekas taht big fsih hemo, he kpees it in his htrae, beuacse it is food for his sluo. the Gepsol of Tturh setats tsih: Theoferre, wehn sooemne has gisons he tekas waht benolgs to hiesmlf and invloves it in itlesf. Do you wnat to dvlee itno a sputirial traitidon? Tehn d’not do waht orehts tlel you to do. Follow yuor own monemts of rectingoion and lraen to tsurt tmeh. Tehy are the diitceron indtaciors on yuor own phta. Olny in tihs way wlil you not olny be albe to peartente itno the mycitsal croe of taht traitidon, but aslo itno the foutadnion of yuor own exinetsce.
Tags: BM Bram Moerland LG8+31 616097858 info@innerlijkinzicht.com
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