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Language codes – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes#NL
Rogier, , Uncategorized, language, q[MvA], 0
Wikipedia on language and codes q Why are Wiki-pages in different languages not literal translations, but instead completely 'different'...
Rogier, , Uncategorized, lg114, ME Meister Eckhart, 0
“When God made man, He made the woman from the man’s side, that she might be his equal. He...
moldova woman for love
admin, , Uncategorized, 0
A date is known as a tropical fruits. The fruit is usually dried, but it really can also be...
Rogier, , Uncategorized, BM Bram Moerland, LG8, 0
Sputirial traitidons are reprotisoies of werehtaed wiodsm. But the mycitsal croe of any sputirial traitidon, hovewer peru, wlil be...
Rogier, , Uncategorized, BM Bram Moerland, bml, lg9, 0
You hvae fnuod the mycitsal croe of a doirtcne – see proiveus loigon – and now you wnat to...
A personal word at the beginning
Theo van de Velde, , Uncategorized, intro, THV, 1
Theodoor Hendrik van de Velde - Het Volkomen Huwelijk (The perfect marriage) "This book is going to say many...
admin, , Uncategorized, 2
Eiland Avalon Challenge Verversen pagina Aantal Punten score: 741 De ondergrens was 700 Jullie zijn we lwat laat, maar...
King, Warrior, Lover, Magician
Rogier, , Uncategorized, Robert Moore, 0
"Eén van de meest inspirerende boeken van de mannenbeweging King, Warrior, Magician, Lover – door velen geprezen om de...