Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg111, 0 LG111 The answer is a smile Jesus said: The heavens and the earth will roll up in your presence. And whoever lives by the living will not taste like death. Did not Jesus say: Whoever finds himself is above the world? Tags: gothomas JT lg111
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 10, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, LG18, 0 LG18 Characters of the indescribable The students asked Jesus: Tell us, the end, what will it be like?...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg70, 0 LG70 On life and death Jesus said: When you bring out what is in you will save you. If...
Rogier, July 10, 2020July 10, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg100, 0 LG100 The third way to unity within yourself They showed Jesus a gold piece and said to him: The...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg63, 0 LG63 The slave of slaves Jesus said: Once upon a time there was a rich man who owned a...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg42, 0 LG42 Become passers-by Jesus said: Become passers-by.
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg57, 0 LG57 Stop the fight against yourself Jesus said: The kingdom of the father seems to a man who had...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, 0 LG66 The unsung ground of your existence Jesus said: Show me the stone that the builders rejected. That is...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg32, 0 LG32 The gentle force Jesus said: A city built on a high mountain and strengthened, can’t fall, but also...