Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg111, 0 LG111 The answer is a smile Jesus said: The heavens and the earth will roll up in your presence. And whoever lives by the living will not taste like death. Did not Jesus say: Whoever finds himself is above the world? Tags: gothomas JT lg111
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg12, 0 LG12 Heaven and earth are made for you – Source within The disciples said to Jesus: We know you...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg46, 0 LG46 The child in you is the most important Jesus said: Among those born of a woman, from Adam...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg97, 0 LG97 The empty jar Jesus said: The kingdom of the father is like a certain woman, who carried a...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg90, 0 LG90 Self-realization starts with self-acceptance Jesus said: Come to me because my yoke is light and my mastery is...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, LG15, 0 LG15 You are the light in the other Jesus said: If you see someone who was not born of...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg41, 0 LG41 Then you rise above yourself Jesus said: He who has something in his hand will be given to...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg68, 0 LG68 Hero or coward? Jesus said: Blessed who is hated and persecuted. Where people persecuted you they will not...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg92, 0 LG92 Just another dream of security? Jesus said: Search and you will find. But, the things that you have...