Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg105, 0 LG105 Son of a whore Jesus said: Who does not know the father and the mother, will be called the son of a whore. Tags: gothomas JT lg105
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg11, 0 LG11 The Source is also looking for your Jesus said: This heaven will pass, and he that is above...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, LG14, 0 LG14 Be open to the person behind the words Jesus said to them: If you fast, you make yourself...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg86, 0 LG86 Whoever belongs to nothing belongs to everything Whoever belongs to nothing belongs to everything 86 Jesus said: The...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg10, 0 LG10 Stepping stones to the Source Jesus said: I cast fire on the world, and see, I guard it,...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg22, 0 LG22 Make the two one The eyes of Jesus fell on children who were fed. He said to his...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg97, 0 LG97 The empty jar Jesus said: The kingdom of the father is like a certain woman, who carried a...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], clg26, gothomas, JT, 0 LG26 No love without openness to all that is Jesus said: You do see the splinter in the eye...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg103, 0 LG103 Guilty and incompetent Jesus said: Happy is the person who knows where the thieves will be come in...