Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg68, 0 LG68 Hero or coward? Jesus said: Blessed who is hated and persecuted. Where people persecuted you they will not find a place. Tags: gothomas JT lg68
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg6, 0 LGZes Be true to yourself: (“Don’t do what you hate”) His students questioned him and said to him: Do...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, LG15, 0 LG15 You are the light in the other Jesus said: If you see someone who was not born of...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg99, 0 LG99 Inside and outside ( -Out ) The students said to him: Your brothers and your mother are...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, LG17, 0 LG17 What Jesus has to say is new Jesus said: I will give you what no eye has seen...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg10, 0 LG10 Stepping stones to the Source Jesus said: I cast fire on the world, and see, I guard it,...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg103, 0 LG103 Guilty and incompetent Jesus said: Happy is the person who knows where the thieves will be come in...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg64, 0 LG64 Beyond loneliness Jesus said: A man would someday receive guests. And after he prepared the meal, he sent...
Thomas, July 7, 1050July 7, 2020, [Logia], a[GofThomas], gothomas, JT, lg42, 0 LG42 Become passers-by Jesus said: Become passers-by.